Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tuition-Free M.B.A., M.Ed., M.A., M.A.T., or M.A. program by ELIC

This innovative program , offered by ELIC, allows participants to enjoy a fulfilling teaching experience in Asia while simultaneously earning their graduate degree . . . tuition-free. Since ELIC is committed to equipping its teachers for fruitful and effective long-term service in Asia, these subsidized graduate programs are available to provide the tools necessary for teachers to do just that, and make a long-term investment in the vision of ELIC.
Through a special arrangement with friends of the organization, ELIC pays tuition directly to the educational institution on a teacher ’s behalf. Teachers are responsible for incidental expenses such as books, room and board, and summer travel to and from their chosen institution. These incidental expenses are added to the cost of their University Teaching Program profile, but teachers may raise additional support to cover these costs.
The graduate programs offered by ELIC may be completed in three different settings: intensive summer sessions on the campus of the institution offering the degree, intensive mid-winter break sessions in Thailand taught by faculty from the institution offering the degree, and distance learning courses completed in Asia while teaching . See the inserts on the opposite page for program specific details.

While in most cases it is possible to enroll in one of the graduate programs prior to the first semester of service with ELIC, it is not recommended. To allow for a smoother transition to living and serving in Asia, most ELIC teachers highly recommend completing at least one semester of teaching in Asia before beginning graduate school. ELIC, therefore, strongly encourages teachers to use their first semester, or even their first year, as an adjustment period without having to manage the added rigors of graduate school.

Enrollment in the tuition-free program requires application and acceptance by both ELIC and the educational institution offering the degree. Although each school offering a graduate degree has a different application deadline, all applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their application to the institution offering the degree by ELIC’s application deadline. Early application is highly recommended due to the limited number of enrollment spaces and popularity of these programs.

ELIC and the partnering colleges and universities are mutually committed to relieving ELIC teachers of their graduate-level tuition costs. In order for ELIC to continue paying for the participant’s tuition, each participant is required to teach with ELIC through the duration of the degree program and maintain a positive account balance.

January Departure: September 15, 2004